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401 Rooftop Gardens


A City Within A City

401 Richmond is like a drop of water that, when you look closely, contains a million worlds.

Jake Tobin Garrett, Spacing, December 2016
401 Richmond courtyard
People tour the 401 Richmond courtyard during Doors Open Toronto

401 Richmond is a historic warehouse in downtown Toronto and home to over 140 cultural producers and microenterprises. Originally the site of the Macdonald Manufacturing Company, a tin lithography factory at the turn of the 20th century, 401 Richmond is now a thriving arts and culture hub.

Aware of the need for affordable workspace in the city’s downtown core, the Zeidler Family who purchased the property in 1994, took an aged building with 40% occupancy and transformed it into a fully-leased thriving cultural and commercial centre within 18 months. Today the building has an eclectic tenant base that reflects the variety of artistic practices and entrepreneurial endeavours taking place in Toronto’s cultural centre. Browsing through the Tenant Page will give you a good idea of the kinds of things that take place under this roof every day. 401 Richmond is home to 17 art galleries and artist-run centres, 40+ visual artist studios, film festivals, filmmakers, architects, communications specialists, graphic artists, recording studios, charitable organizations, cultural producers, social innovators, microenterprises and even a Spanish dance school.

Jane Jacobs and Margie Zeidler
Jane Jacobs attends the opening of Studio 123 Early Learning Centre at 401 Richmond, June 1999

Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings; new ideas must use old buildings.

Jane Jacobs, Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961)

Much of what goes on at 401 Richmond reflects the ideas of renowned urban visionary the late Jane Jacobs. In her book, Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961), Jacobs says: “Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings; new ideas must use old buildings.” Jacobs also speaks of the need for diversity within a community and at 401 Richmond the vibrant mix of tenants has come to know each other and collaborate on projects. The synergy of tenants and practices supports and fosters both business and creativity. Physical and ideological infrastructures have been put in place: a newsletter, café and gathering place, an arts-enriched early learning centre, community courtyard, and roof garden. All these enhance the commercial, cultural and community activities within these four walls.

The municipal government calls 401 Richmond one of Toronto’s key arts centres, and visitors from cities afar have come to the building to learn how to blend business with the arts to establish a viable urban neighbourhood within a single community. 401 Richmond is recipient of a 1999 Award of Merit from Toronto Heritage for outstanding adaptive re-use of a historic building and received Heritage Designation in April of 2007.